Apparatus and plant construction

The technical solutions of the market do not always answer the Problems of companies, or even cannot be found Plastic constructions are still not very widespread, because they are Little known.


Sena Plastics works with ist customers to offer tailor-made solutions in plastics. It is not always easy to think plastic. However, to think about it is also to provide chemical resistance and ease of use. It is then possible to consider unique constructions that meet customer demand.


Custom-made compensator, protecting ring, basket, injector, nozzle, filter, cover, protective cover,.. The possibilities are numerous and range from the Evaporation column to heat exchanger through worktops. 




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Senaplastics AG

Industriestrasse 101   |   CH-4147 Aesch   |   Tel.   +41 (0)61 561 55 55   |   |   AGB